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24 posts from May 2009

May 11, 2009

Ferris Bueller's Day Off as a horror movie

I especially like the scary "tchcik-tchick-ah"

(via Rifftrax Blog)

May 10, 2009

Star Trek + Nine Inch Nails = Closer

Is this what Kirk/Spock slash fiction is like (if it were set to music)? Warning: use of the word f*ck in the song.

(via mulegirl)

May 08, 2009

Starship Enterprise Destroyed by the Death Star

(via current_)

Life After People - The Series

If you haven't had a chance to check out this show on the History Channel yet, make the time to do it.  The visuals are amazing.  I also find it personally heartening that life would continue on even if we all disappeared tomorrow!


(from history.com)

May 07, 2009

Cool collection of monster toys

I've always been interested in the monster craze of the early 60s (even though it was a few years before my time) and this Flickr set is one of the most amazing collections I've ever seen of classic monster toys, models and ephemera.

View it full screen

The triangle UFO's are coming...


Triangle UFOs take the April prize as the most popularly reported shape - with 27 cases in 15 states, according to non-scientific results from UFO Traffic Reports.

(from examiner.com)

Watch the skies and make your inter-planetary reservation ahead of time!

Veridian Dynamics

Apparently, Veridian Dynamics is from an ABC show called Better Off Ted. I've never seen the show, but I have been enjoying the fake commercials, the website and all the work that went into the branding of a made-up company.

ABC also created this funny "Did you know..." list for their website:

  • Our company has 532,972 and 1/2 employees? That's right, we created half an employee as an experiment -- a successful experiment!
  • Veridian plans to be a leader for future generations, which is why many of our employees are children.
  • Our blueberry toaster waffles were originally created as insulation.
  • and more...

(via Brand New)

The "I Can Read Movies" Series

This collection of concept book covers for classic films by spacesick is absolutely amazing.

May 06, 2009

Wonderfully obscure t-shirts


The Hall of Cliche Super Heroes from Threadless.


We'll Do It Live from BustedTees. This is a reference to the famous Bill O'Reilly rant.


Randy Watson Tour Shirts from Lookatmetshirts.com. This is a reference to the funniest moment of the film Coming to America (see below).

May 05, 2009

Darth Vader Paper Doll Set


Darth Vader Paper Doll Set is artist Brian Gubicza's contribution to the Darth Vader Art Book.

See also his Character Factory and his Etsy shop