Gloucestshire Cheese Rolling - The sport of champions
From the Gloucestshire Cheese Roll on May 25, 2009. It's sort of hard to comment on this except to say that this is one of the many reasons I love the English.
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From the Gloucestshire Cheese Roll on May 25, 2009. It's sort of hard to comment on this except to say that this is one of the many reasons I love the English.
Simon Dale from Wales built this super-cool house in 3 months for a cost of approximately 3,000 pounds. Check out some additional pictures and information here.
I assumed this is a shot at Twitter, but after listening to it I can't really tell.
If you haven't seen M.S. Corley's redesign of the Harry Potter book series, you've really been missing something. Yesterday he posted his newest set for the Narnia series, which is also absolutely brilliant.
See more great stuff on his blog.
The folks at Studio Creations have created the definitive 'how to' guide to creating your very own Tusken Raider costume. Wow, I really wish this had been around when I was 11. My homemade costume didn't come out nearly this good!
This seems like a great project for those with a Facebook addiction or a lot of time on their hands. Imagine the envious looks you would get from fellow public transit commuters. Personally, I think I would go with yellow keys on black pants. Stylin'!
(via Forever Geek by Andy on 5/13/09)
I was a huge fan of King of the Hill so I'm happy to see that Mike Judge has a new animated comedy premiering this month on ABC. It's called The Goode Family and it's about a family of socially conscious do-gooders. Having watched the preview clip (above) I'm doubtful that it can top the brilliance of King of the Hill but I'm definitely willing to give it a try.
(via Very Short List)
I <3 The Onion.
Employees at—an online service that enables users to find and communicate with people from their past for a monthly fee—have done everything in their power to keep the company's CEO from finding out about the wildly popular social networking site Facebook.
Well, it doesn't get a whole lot geekier than this. I'm going to hold out for the iPhone-controlled C3PO myself.
Noteboek from Evelien Lohbeck on Vimeo.
In this charming four-minute video, a Dutch art student named Evelien Lohbeck transforms an ordinary notebook into a notebook computer.
(via Very Short List)
"Share and Enjoy" is the work of Bob Koehler and Jim Ramsey. The name is a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.